23 February 2025

4 thoughts on “Soccerwidow’s Value Betting Results: 159 Bets, from 07/12/2011 to 30/04/2012

  1. Hi again Pedro,

    Thanks again for taking the trouble to write to us. I will try and shed more light on some of your queries. Firstly the non-betting related subject. Yes, we use WordPress ourselves and find it to be an ideal blogging platform. Our theme is Forester but there are literally thousands of themes to choose from, some free and some at a premium. I am sure you will make a success of your own blog!

    Next, all of our value bet systems are full-game strategies involving no trading out whatsoever. Trading out to guarantee a smaller win erodes profits and therefore defeats the whole point of value betting, which is simply a numbers game. By spreading your risk (having as large a portfolio of bets running per betting round as you can) betting on as many events as you can find with high value and high probabilities should generate profit organically without having to spend further time monitoring the games waiting for an ideal moment to trade.

    Lastly, our staking plan is always under scrutiny and recently we have considered using the staking plan recommended in our article above only for odds up to a certain figure, say 5.0, and then to use a fixed staking plan for odds over this threshold. We will be publishing an analysis of this idea soon, as it seems a logical way of maximising winnings further. However, fixed staking plans on all bets like the one you suggest present a higher risk of losing money quicker if you get onto a losing streak. Better to be conservative with your staking plan and forget the word ‘aggressive’. You only need patience. Of course, if you adopt our staking plan approach you can use as many points per bet as you like, so long as you bet constantly at the same points risk/profit weight.

    Pedro, we hope this makes sense and thanks as always for your interest in Soccerwidow…

  2. Hello Soccerwidow,

    Thank you once again for your answers to my emails…it has been until now super useful. You asked in last mail if i was winning already…and the honest answer is…No i’m not. I´m trying for the last 2 years with sports trading…for some reasons that i spot and others that i didn’t understood until now I’m losing.

    I was introduced to the term “value bet” some time ago on a different site but I always had some problem understanding why trade out if I had that mathematical advantage already…and maybe i don’t have that “magical skill” that makes you know during a match if it is better to trade out or not.

    So i decided to search for another approach in the betting world. And I found your site…it was like I could fill in some blank spaces that I had before…and almost everything makes sense now…theoretically of course. I’m now working on statistics and planning next season. This last year was important of course…I made my path, didn’t give up and above all else remained disciplined…I’m sure now is the time for that to pay off.

    By trade I’m a Physiotherapist but my wife says that she never sees me so happy as when I’m working on football statistics. And I know that I have a lot of work to do to be prepared for next season…and a lot of work during the season. I’m planning to create a blog so i can share my results…do you have any blog host that you could recommend to me? I’m thinking about WordPress.

    And of course I have a question for you…in your 5 month resume you explain your staking plan and it has made me curious. I was thinking to adopt for next season a fixed liability…lets say on a 100 point bank, a constant liability on each bet of 1 point.
    what do you think about it and what are the advantages that your staking plan can have? I was thinking to bet only where i can find 15% value or more…do you think it’s too much? and do you think i can be a little more aggressive with my stakes? i hope this mail is understandable. thank you for your attention.

    Best regards

  3. Very well written and well presented piece. I have been musing over adding a pre-game statistical trading element to my trading for a while now but have still not got around to it.
    Are you going to be covering the Euro 2012 championship?

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Paul. yes, we are planning to cover some Euro Championship games this summer and are contracted to write for Betfair Germany on several games involving England, Russia and Ireland and probably a few more in addition. We will also be looking at Scandinavian football and North/South American fixtures where stats can be found. We don’t need to know anything about the games really, just figures showing what has happened in the past, so our own betting is entirely unemotional and is purely a numbers game. We don’t have time to worry about the effects of Rooney’s tight hamstring or any other extraneous factor! Thanks for your interest in Soccerwidow – let us know how you get on with your betting – we always like to hear about success stories and on the other hand try and help where people have been less successful. Best regards.

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