29 March 2025

33 thoughts on “The Science of Calculating Winning and Losing Streaks

  1. Hi

    Just wanted to say a big thank you for creating this webpage (science-calculating-winning-losing-streaks) and detailed explanation – I’ve bookmarked the page!
    I’ve googled long & hard for a laypersons explanation of win/lose sequences before I found this. I have no understanding of logarithms but this explanation allowed me for create Excel formula for my own strategies so it’s much appreciated :>)

  2. Just want to thank for your articles and website. So well prepared and a really good approach to the whole betting thing. i look forward to order your course soon and learn more!

  3. The two formulas you present must have an assumed probability associated with them. For example, the longest expected winning streak is abs(ln(n)/ln(P)). What is the probability associated with “expected” in this case? What is the probability a winning streak exceeding that number is experienced? Or the probability that a winning streak of that length is not achieved?

    Similarly, for your “How many bets is it likely to take before I encounter ‘X’ losses in a row?”, what probability is implied by “likely”.


    1. With our True Odds & Value Detector you can calculate the likelihood (probability) of an event happening, e.g. the team to win or to score in both halves, etc. In my book Fundamentals of Sport Betting, I explain more about odds calculation and how to calculate the ‘expected’ probabilities of Over/Under goals.

      That should have answered your question: What is the probability associated with “expected” in this case? Look also through this website, I explain it in many articles.

      Your other questions: What is the probability a winning streak exceeding that number is experienced? Or the probability that a winning streak of that length is not achieved? You can also ask: What is the probability to experience several times such a long winning or losing streak? – or – What is the probability to experience them several times in a row?

      Toque, we are speaking here about probabilities, about something to be ‘likely’, never certainties… Of course, you can calculate that stuff but it really doesn’t make sense for any betting decisions. This article has been written to raise awareness for the length of winning/losing streaks.

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