31 March 2025

2 thoughts on “Understanding the Settings in Oddsportal

  1. Hi Elena,

    I’m about to try using oddsportal’s historical odds to look at the 2017/18 Bundesliga season. So I’m going to try to get an idea of how accurate my bets would have been if I had used only your cluster tables and what sort of yield I would have achieved.

    But I guess the time stamp is crucial for that?

    I’m wondering where the time stamp is meant to be.

    The date and time shown just under the names of the two teams who played. Is that particular date and time supposed to be the match date and kick-off time? Or is it supposed to be the time stamp for those odds? Or both? I.e. the time stamp is the moment before kick-off?

    Kind regards,


    1. Forget that. I figured it out 🙂

      What I was looking at is kick-off. And the odds cited are closing odds. But if you get the mouse to hover over the closing odds, it a bubble pops up telling you what the opening odds were and when that was.

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