I am female, and besides a large noisy dog an ancient cat without a tail who still thinks she’s a kitten, plus many other beautiful things, I’m married to a passionate football addict.
My husband is English and a self-confessed dedicated football supporter who seems to know (it doesn’t matter how small they are) every football team in England and most of Europe.
For decades he has enjoyed football, and proudly tells everybody that 2010-2011 is his 33rd football season following Manchester United. Their games are put before any personal agendas and it is at moments like these that I become a football widow. Hardly a day has passed since we met when my sweetheart has not looked up some football news and/or followed one or two games.
Football is apparently a time-intensive hobby and I cannot plan a holiday without making sure that it’s not during the World Cup or another important football event. I must be careful not to arrange any distraction coinciding with mid-week games, and on weekends I have to inquire which time is suitable to visit friends.
Before football caused my marriage to disappear down the drain I turned my direction from constant moaning and instead started to develop and evaluate betting systems. I love mathematics and statistics, and I’m actually not too bad at this so it was easy for me to declare football statistics and betting as my hobby and I am having fun doing so.
Funnily, whilst my husband is often falling back into his habit of betting with his heart considering team form, players and such things, and still finds it hard to stick to staking plans and sadly loses more money than he wins, the financial outcome of my experiments is mostly positive when I decide to put them into practice.
In this blog I would therefore like to share my findings and experiences, and hope that my accumulated knowledge will be of some use to others.
However, I must admit that I still find it very difficult to think of football without constantly asking myself why the whole world finds it so fascinating to watch 22 rich men kicking a bag of wind around a field. My husband says it is the closest thing to war without anyone being killed, like modern day Roman gladiators performing for the masses.
Articles which I will publish here reflect my personal opinion and observations which of course can also be quite wrong. I may not be held responsible for any of my betting tips or strategies, and there is also the chance that statistics may contain misleading information.
I wish you a lot of fun reading my writings and thoughts and I look forward to receiving your comments and feedback.
This is a personal and independent web page. I do not sell any of the products discussed and advertised on the blog, nor do I work for any of these companies. If you wish to contact the authors you can do it under the following email address.
Any links on this blog are personally checked before publishing. I have however no influence on any changes and/or altering of content on external sites. Therefore, I accept no responsibility and/or liability for any third party links or comments. Furthermore, I cannot accept any responsibility for comments from third parties on this blog, but I reserve the right to delete comments of doubtful content.
Feel free to check out my LinkedIn profile: Soccerwidow
Read a personal interview at Footballbetting.org: Soccer Widow, the smart way to sports betting
Read a commentary about Soccerwidow at Safestbettingsites.com: Turning Gambling Into A Profitable System