10 March 2025

2 thoughts on “Utilising Soccerwidow’s Value Betting Techniques: A Trader’s Point Of View

  1. Hello. Nice stuff you have posted. On the Man. City game good trading….well, same goes for the Bayern Munich game, although the “lay underdog” would be a poison. I had that Bayern game (BATE ?) in a multiple. Guess who spoiled it….

    I like your way of seing the “game”. In a certain way, I do think alike. True odds exist when the ball starts rolling, and clear opportunities arise “in-game”, specially if you can watch it live. One can do bets against expectations (pre game) or trade those expections during the game itself.

    Yesterday no good games where on…I picked Sabadell vs Hercules…the underdog scored first, I layed, scores again …..dam ! Sabadell should have at least drawn it, but they were unfortunate. I used CS to minimze damages.

    Of course, before the game starts, one should have some idea about it. My “expectations” about this game were 76% / 23 % / 1% (HDA). Guess statistics showed me the real meaning of 1% 🙁

    End mentioning the fact that Marathonbet and another one that belongs to same group have (???) amazing odds, but just on the screen. You soon realize that you cannot trade them as you wish in the first place, so one should not even consider their quotes. (this commentary is related to Widow’s post on the overround calculations).

    Good work, best regards, BR
    (ops, need some help on a calculation just to post my reply “x-3=5”, wots x ?)

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