This compilation contains some of the best quotes we could find related to gambling, luck and money.
Since humans have existed they have gambled away their fortunes, and it is probably the fate of man to continue gambling so long as there is anything left to bet on…

Gambling and Luck Quotations
These quotations are sorted chronologically and appear quite representative of gambling as it has developed over the last 2,000 years or more…
Luck is what happens
when preparation meets opportunity.
(ca. 4 BC – 65 AD; Roman philosopher, dramatist, and writer)
when preparation meets opportunity.
(ca. 4 BC – 65 AD; Roman philosopher, dramatist, and writer)
Quit while you’re ahead.
All the best gamblers do.
Baltasar Gracián y Morales
(1601-1658; Spanish Jesuit, writer, and philosopher)
All the best gamblers do.
Baltasar Gracián y Morales
(1601-1658; Spanish Jesuit, writer, and philosopher)
By gaming we lose both
our time and treasure:
two things most precious
to the life of man.
Owen Feltham
(1602-1668; English essay writer)
our time and treasure:
two things most precious
to the life of man.
Owen Feltham
(1602-1668; English essay writer)
If you would be wealthy,
think of saving
as well as getting.
Benjamin Franklin
(1706-1790; American politician, scientist, inventor, and statesman)
think of saving
as well as getting.
Benjamin Franklin
(1706-1790; American politician, scientist, inventor, and statesman)
I’m a great believer in luck,
and I find the harder I work
the more I have of it.
Thomas Jefferson
(1743-1826; American third president of the United States)
and I find the harder I work
the more I have of it.
Thomas Jefferson
(1743-1826; American third president of the United States)
If you must play,
decide upon three things at the start:
the rules of the game,
the stakes,
and the quitting time.
Chinese Proverb
decide upon three things at the start:
the rules of the game,
the stakes,
and the quitting time.
Chinese Proverb
The only sure thing about luck is
that it will change.
Bret Harte
(1836-1902; American author and poet)
that it will change.
Bret Harte
(1836-1902; American author and poet)
True luck consists not
in holding the best
of the cards at the table;
luckiest is
he who knows
just when to rise and go home.
John Milton Hay
(1838-1905, American statesman, diplomat, author, and journalist)
in holding the best
of the cards at the table;
luckiest is
he who knows
just when to rise and go home.
John Milton Hay
(1838-1905, American statesman, diplomat, author, and journalist)
The gambling known as business
looks with austere disfavor
upon the business known as gambling.
Ambrose Bierce
(1842-1914; American journalist, writer, fabulist, and satirist)
looks with austere disfavor
upon the business known as gambling.
Ambrose Bierce
(1842-1914; American journalist, writer, fabulist, and satirist)
The excitement that a gambler feels when making a bet is equal to the amount he might win times the probability of winning it. (Blaise Pascal)
Don’t bet your eating money, that will save your life if you listen to it.
Heads they win; tails we lose!
I know of people who believe that winning is everything and that they have failed in a sense, if they do not win. Winning and losing are not mutually exclusive.
Even if one should ‘lose’ there is so much that they could have ‘won’.
If one’s perspective is grounded in respecting the journey then so much can be learnt from a loss. Winning and losing are not mutually exclusive and should not be perceived to be so.
Quality reading. Thanks!
There are so many ways to lose, but so few ways to win. Perhaps the best way to achieve victory is to master all the rules for disaster, and then concentrate on avoiding them.
quoting Victor Niederhoffer
No. The quickest route to failure is fear of trying.
Is it like concentrating on weakness and ignoring the strengths????
If you believe that what you focus on you’ll get more of – you may be attracting more disaster.
The first rule of avoiding disaster – don’t focus on mastering disaster. You may find yourself up to your butt in aligators for a long time!
Put your focus more on enjoying the journey and less on crossing the finish line. The only winner when you don’t is your Ego.
Great resource, definitely inspiring and got me thinking. Thanks!
I’d like to echo the thanks going out for this great collection. It is very helpful!
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If you ain’t just a little scared when you enter a casino, you are either very rich or you haven’t studied the games enough.
Great post. This one I think is especially important.
Some people spend so much time gambling and forget their family and friends… I think these quotes say a lot about psychology of gambling.
Holy crap…so many good sayings.
“Since human brain has some limits on its capacity for processing information…”
Oh no… life is hard…
Thanks a lot for the article! very good!
Phew! Got there in the end! It’s a great collection, Soccerwidow!
I’m going to present my hubby with some of these quotes!! Hehehe
Considering whether or not you are a compulsive gambler can be really frightening. After all, no one likes to admit to being out of control.
Gambling can become an addiction, and many individuals find the lure to gamble as powerful as any addictive drug.
A Ultimate List 😀
I love this one… Italians come to ruin most generally in three ways: women, gambling, and farming. My family chose the slowest one.
So, you don’t gamble then?
An excellent compilation. Very comprehensive list. Thanks!