29 March 2025

17 thoughts on “Judging the Risk of a Football Betting Portfolio

    1. Hi Tzahi,

      No, we are not a tipping site – sorry!

      We provide only the tools to help you identify your own selections rather than having to rely on ‘blind faith’ by paying for a tipping service.

      There is never any guarantee that any tipping service provides statistically sound and financially accurate advice.

      I would suggest you read the Soccerwidow blog if you would like to teach yourself how to become more productive than any tipping site will ever provide for you!

      Good luck!

  1. Hi Right Winger and Soccer Widow,

    Is there a way to place bets way before kick-off in every league with the AO/HO ratio ? I mean that how often I’ll have to take time looking for odds to place my bets in order not to always be doing it or having to do it in the middle of the night ?

    I would like for example to say that check odds and place bets between 8 and 10 PM on Fridays and another interval of time on Sundays for example and that’d be it for the most. I’m willing to take the needed time to analyses tables and assemble my portfolio once or twice a year but after that I would like just to place bets and monitor the results and make necessary adjustments. Is that feasible?

    And is it really possible / recommended / ok to enter several days / weeks after the season has begun and/or take a break and comeback during a season? Because some articles indicate that we can and some don’t so I was wondering.

    Thanks a lot!


    1. Hi Oliver, the timing of bets is a very frequent question that troubles many punters…

      Unfortunately, there are no rules! No rules that apply to all leagues in this world and can be followed blindly. If there were rules, it would be easier for traders to find a money-printing machine.

      The only thing you can (slightly) generalise is that the odds for the home win (especially for the favourite) show a tendency for reducing prior kick-off. Therefore, if your portfolio contains backing favourites at home it is better to place the bets earlier than later.

      For HO/AO Quotients over 0.500 (home odds around 2.0 and higher) the draw odds too show a tendency for shortening (going down) prior kick-off. Again, placing bets well before kick-off seems to be more beneficial.

      Away odds don’t really seem to have any tendencies. The odds movements seem to be pretty random, but higher underdog prices are usually available closer to kick-off.

      What we recommend is…

      • Compiling the portfolio well in advance: Thursdays or Fridays for weekend games and Sundays or Mondays for week games
      • Placing your bets the afternoon or evenings before the match days

      Concern about the right timing of bets is unnecessary. Betting isn’t an exact science. As long as you make sure that the mathematical advantage is on your side (playing above Zero odds) you really need not worry.

      I hope this answer helps you get to your bed a little earlier rather than staying up to monitor games in leagues with unsocial hours!

      P.S. The articles you are probably referring to that indicate bet placements as close as possible to kick-off are old articles. This was based on trying to match the simulations, which were then all using odds at the close of the ante-post market. It was a painful exercise to ensure such a solid benchmark by checking the accuracy and timings of each set of odds, but our research since has shown that it really doesn’t matter when you place the bets. We all learn from experiences…

      Sorry for the confusion; we have to mark the older articles as being “archived”. I will make a note to do that as soon as possible!

  2. Hi Right Winger and Soccer Widow!

    I read a lot of your articles and I am planning to purchase your last available HDAFU tables (2013-17 if I’m not mistaken).

    Just one concern : as there is a price for every covered league, how can I analyse a system in order to include it in my portfolio without buying it ?

    I mean, I would be glad to buy only the systems that I will include in my portfolio and drop the other ones.

    If I buy a system, analyse it and find that it’s not fitting I guess I’ll lose some time and money. On the other hand if I could buy only the systems that I will use after finding a value it would be great !

    Or are you suggesting buying at least ten, do the analysis and then buy a few more if my portfolio does not meet the requirements (expected yield around 20% and expected hit rate around 50% with medium overall risk) ?

    What are your recommendations on this and what is possible to meet my request?

    Thanks and have a nice day!


    1. Hi Oliver,

      You will find enough opportunities in each league to allow you to build the required portfolio (expected yield around 20%; expected hit rate around 50%; medium overall risk).

      The only limitations you will have, and these are questions only you can answer yourself, are:

      – Which bookmakers are you going to use?
      – Which leagues are covered by these bookmakers?
      – Which times do you prefer placing your bets?
      – Which leagues are compatible with your time preference?

      You can really pick any league. There are no limitations. The fact that we offer such a wide choice is because our client-base is worldwide – everyone has different tastes and will use their own selection of betting accounts.

      Therefore, you can safely buy any 10 HDAFU tables that best suit your interests. Each table contains something potentially lucrative. Every league has a profitable HO/AO or odds cluster zone that is profitable.

      Bookmakers ensure that each league is profitable to them: They manipulate the odds in each league according to punters’ preferences to ensure profits. This means that there are clusters, perhaps less popular with punters, where bookmakers increase their odds (prices). This phenomenon creates the ‘sweet spots’ in back-betting systems for more precise targeting of those profitable areas.

      It is not mathematically possible for the bookies to price the entire book of events in their favour – the tables show what to avoid (the bookies’ profit zones) and what to investigate (where the bookies have no option but to over-price an outcome).

      I’m sure you will find something that works for you!

      Enjoy your day too!

  3. Dear Soccerwidow,
    first of all congratulations for your book “Fundamentals of sports betting”, it is simply amazing, I bought it about three months ago, I have not finished it yet but I already gained a big knowledge, the betting for me has become more than gambling but rather a intellectual challenge. I just need now to deepen the knowledge in building profitable portfolios but I would also start to study the HDAFU system, and I would like to buy the HDAFU product, just a question, does it provide with explanations further than just tables? is it built like the fundamentals of sports betting?
    Thank you and best regards.

    1. Hi Giampietro,

      I’m very pleased to hear that you enjoy the course book so much. Thank you for this feedback! 🙂

      Regarding the HDAFU tables… Unfortunately, there isn’t a course book yet written, at least not ready for publishing. But you will find a good amount of explanations here: 1×2 Betting Category

      Hope this helps.

  4. Hi Soccerwidow,
    I’m really impressed with some of the articles that you have written on here and I hope to continue learning from your output. Every time I come on this site, i learn something new…

    What i’m looking at right now is probably suitable for this particular page, assessing what might happen next season based on previous results (to determine if a system merits inclusion in the portfolio).

    From the cluster workbook, I know that you use FD data and 5 year averages to predict what will happen in the coming season, but have you ever considered using something like the FORECAST() function in Excel?

    If yes, could you say whether or not it was closer to meeting expectations than just the simple averages, and if not, would you be willing to check it out and let me know?

    The FORECAST function can be used with pretty any of your fields, so in addition to forecasting number of bets, pts, average odds, etc could be forecasted.

    What do you think?

    Thanks for a great site!

    1. The FORECAST() function uses the known y-values and the known x-values to predict either the y-value or the x-value. In effect it’s a line graph and the function returns a value on the graph.

      The name of the function ‘forecast’ is therefore probably a little misleading and no use for what I do.

      Please use for further questions of this kind either the Frequently Asked Questions – Over Under Cluster Tables or Frequently Asked Questions – Fundamentals of Sports Betting Course or Frequently Asked Questions – Make the Most of Your HDAFU Tables. Choose the FAQs that are closest to the product you are referring to.

      1. Have to laugh at myself for making that mistake, you’re entirely right, the FORECAST() function would have no application here…

  5. Hi soccerwidow,

    I’ve had a chance to assemble the systems I’ve identified into a portfolio based on the criteria you have set out. It’s like assembling a puzzle trying to get all the pieces to fit. So far – based on analysing 16 leagues I have found a few whole season systems and then 1st and 2nd half systems, giving 26 total systems. 5 are low risk (18.52%), 15 are medium risk (55.56%) and 7 are high risk (25.93%). Would that setup be unbalanced in relation to the high risk side? Do I need to increase the low risk side? One thing I’m having trouble finding is the 65% plus hit rate systems that also have a reasonable profit. Do you have any pointers where I should look for these?


    1. Hi Simon, I think that you’ve got a typing error in your low risk… 18.52% cannot be.

      Please do a list similar to the one I did… number of bets, probability, expected yield.. judge each system by risk as explained in the article and then calculate the risk of the whole portfolio.

      Finding 65%+ hit rate systems is a real challenge… Look at Belgium, Greece and Spain home wins, just to give you a few pointers… check other leagues as well in which the 1st & 2nd half are having similar curves (more or less)

      1. Hi soccerwidow,

        I did mske a chart similar to yours. The 18.52% figure is the percentage of my systems I ranked as low risk. I typed 26 total systems but that should have been 27. So….5 systems out of 27 are low risk. 15 are medium risk and 7 high risk. What I was wondering is would you suggest I need more low risk here or are things balanced as is?

        1. I see what you meant now about calculating the risk of the entire portfolio rather than worrying about the number of systems in each category of risk. What I have so far is a hit rate overall of 45% and yield of 21%, which seems ok. Getting the hit rate to 50% is still possible.

          I took a look at the Belgium league as suggested and for example with the Whole season Home Win there are a couple of steadily rising areas of the graph in the small ho/ao quotient region. The thing is each set of inflection points results in a system with profit around 1600 to 1800 for the 5 season period – not anything to shout about. The hit rate is 65% plus for both, yield 10 to 12%, 25 bets per system. As well, the zero odds are equal to or lower than the lowest average odds predicted for the system.

          Is there any reason I should not employ both systems here? Unless there is a reason to not do so, it makes sense to me to maximize the profit I can derive from the 65% hit rate range, which gives me the low risk system I need and also the number of bets of higher hit rate to balance out my higher risk systems. As mentioned I’m not finding an awful lot of 65% hit rate systems with substantial profits.

          1. Belgium, go only for the first group (up to HO/AO 0.185), the second may be just an anomaly.

            Otherwise, from the 27 systems you have, check if you haven’t too many. I wouldn’t do more than one per league, especially not in the second leagues. I would probably even limit myself to 15 systems within the portfolio in total and pay attention that the expected number of bets per system is at least 30 (if I cannot find enough with 50+ bets expected). However, I’m a very risk-averse person; I prefer steadiness but have to accept low margins in exchange. Right Winger may have advised you different.

            How successful were you actually last season with your portfolio? Learn your lessons there!

  6. Soccerwidow,

    I’m glad you published this today. Have read it over once already and will go over some of the sections again, but am looking forward to applying this info to the systems I have found. It’s really good info and will take a lot of the uncertainty out of putting together a portfolio alone.

    Thank you.

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