25 March 2025

23 thoughts on “How to Calculate Losing Streaks & Optimal Bankroll

  1. Hi Soccerwidow,

    I compiled my portfolio for the Winter Leagues.

    Bets / Hit Rate / Yield / LLSe
    59 38,98% 28,40% 8
    65 54,13% 14,59% 5
    124 36,13% 16,25% 11
    43 83,57% 8,33% 2
    102 48,73% 15,12% 7
    145 37,19% 17,47% 11
    62 32,69% 15,36% 10
    24 71,90% 19,42% 3
    69 76,23% 11,45% 3
    102 32,68% 18,30% 12
    86 51,16% 14,87% 6
    37 81,62% 11,38% 2
    918 47,95% 16,17%

    Now I’m wondering what my stake size should be. I have 3000 units as starting bank. I was thinking about 30 units per bet, so 1% per bet and giving your “Stake Ratchet & Stop-loss Mechanisms” from the 2016-17 Winter League Campaign a try. Not really sure how to calculate the perfect stake size for a whole portfolio, because of the high number of bets each week.
    What do you think about this?

    Thank you in advance and greetings

    1. Hi Lukas,

      I’m in the process of finishing an article with the performance of our portfolio for the WL 2017-18 and there is a chapter about ratcheting and bank size included.

      To answer you very short… you have 918 bets expected over the period of approx. 47-48 weeks and you may have probably up to 40-50 bets in any round (week), sometimes less, and probably occasionally even none.

      By limiting the number of the bookmakers you use to 5 you will have in each of them a starting bank of 600. So if you stake 1.5% of your bank per bet that makes 45 units each and allows you to place up to 13 bets with each bookmaker/ exchange.

      Have a look at this direction of thinking… How many bets per bookie/exchange are you going to expect in each round?

      What you want is to avoid to have to juggle too much between bookies/exchanges. Try to keep it simple.

      If in the end you are staking 1.3% of your (total) bank it’s fine. But I wouldn’t do more than 1.5% as otherwise you may find it hard to place all bets at the same time if there are too many in one single period.

  2. Hi again, SW! And thanks for the note @acepoint!

    My concern (and question) regards the fact that I might have to place 40 bets and the bankroll % is around 2,2% (1/46). Thats means I would have to put almost all my bankroll at risk in 1 weekend. Since I have calculated my LLSe of 15, that fact described above would then be controlled? Is that it?

    Or shall I work with a higher RC (lower risk)? Isn’t clustering the odds a much harder job?


    1. Hi Gabriel, if you feel uncomfortable to take the risk then simply increase RC from 2.5 (mid-low risk) to any factor which makes you feel more comfortable.

  3. Hi, SW!

    Here is my situation: I have a combined strategy of betting in 10 leagues at the same time. Here are my vitals:
    1) Expected number of bets per round (weekend): 36 (more or less)
    2) Average odds: 3,45
    3) LLSe: 11
    4) Hit rate: 38% (Y% of ~28%)

    Using RC = 2.5 (mid-low risk) I would have do bet ~2,2% (1/46) of my bank.

    That would be fine by me, but I make all bets at once for the weekend, on friday afternoon. Which means around 36 bets, sometimes more.

    I know it is almost impossible to loose all the bets in a weekend. But my question is: does this method consider that or I should use this only one bet at a time?

    Did you understand what I meant? Thanks a lot in advance!

    1. Hi Gabriel, you can place all bets at the same time. No problem.

      The only thing what you may wish to do is to cluster your bets in different groups if you are able to group them by expected hit rate because then, the LLSe changes and with that your percentage of the bank.

      So, you could then have, e.g. one group of bets where you are risking 2.2% of your bank with each bet, and another set of bets, say, 1.5% of your bank.

      Feel free to report after the weekend if it worked. 🙂

    2. A note to @gabriel and and the same time a question to @Ringht Winger whether I’m right.

      I think it is wrong to take the average odds for calculating streaks.

      1) The odds are no absolut but relation numbers (a bet of 1.5 and another of 2.5 doesn’t produce an average of 2 (= 50%)
      2) The formula including the natural logarithm isn’t a linear function.

      Depending on the low/high ends of your betting probabilities and the deviation of all bets within this interval the expected winning/losing streaks may deviate by a huge margin.

  4. I cannot understand the calculus of the lay bets. When deciding the strike rate do my own estimations or odds dictate that for backing and laying? Calculate the expected strike rate from the odds or from my own calculations for the odds? How to calculate bankroll for only laying?

    Also I’d like to bet on 45%,55% and 50% market’s but what stake size percentages I should use for all of them. The average of three?

    1. Anything under 55% probability (strike rate) you shouldn’t risk more than 2.5% of you bank on each bet, maybe even less.

      The lower the strike rate the less you risk…

      55% strike rate: 2.5%
      45% strike rate: 2.0%
      35% strike rate: 1.5%
      25% strike rate: 1.0%

  5. I have a question regarding to this. If I have bets ranging from 45% to 55% what size of bankroll I should bet on back and lay bets? I use risk coficient of 5. Should I adjust the stakes by the odds offered or my own calculated percentages? So do I look at the market odds and then calculate the hit rate based on that and then use the percentage for that? Can I use the average of the 45%,50%55% and backing and laying.

    Jari Suomela

  6. Hello!

    Can you explain how to calculate optimal bankroll when using a fixed win/risk staking system in percentage of the total bankroll (for instance 4%) as opposed to a constant stake (CS)?

    Best regards

    1. Hi Greger, the percentage to risk depends on the probability to win the bet.

      Here’s a staking plan which should work (of course only, if you play a winning system, meaning that the long-term mathematical advantage is on your side):

      Probability to win – less than 40% (odds 2.5 and higher): 1% of your bank
      Probability to win – 40% to 65% (odds 1.5 to 2.5): 2.5% of your bank
      Probability to win – over 65% (odds lower than 1.5): 4% of your bank

      Probability to win the lay – over 85% (odds 6.5 and higher): 0.4% of your bank
      Probability to win the lay – 70% to 85% (odds 3.5 to 6.5): 0.6% of your bank
      Probability to win the lay – less than 70% (odds lower than 3.5): 1% of your bank

  7. Sorry,i didnt’ understand about risk coefficient..In the article you chose 1,5….but i’like to know,how could i chose a risk coefficient?and can you explain me,how many risk coefficiente are there? example risk coefficient 2 is for what kind of betting? or 3 or 1,7 etc etc are for…. thanks Paolo

    1. Hi Paolo, the risk coefficient really depends on your personal risk aversion. How well you can sit out losing streaks without losing your nerves and start chasing losses.

      A low risk coefficient means that it may happen that a large chunk of the bank may be eaten by a losing streak. Can you live with it? Can you bear to see that 50% of your bank has gone and still stick to your chosen strategy?

      This article, for example, was co-written by our guest author Florian. He found a really good strategy (backing the underdogs in the German BL) which he used as the example in this article and chose a risk coefficient of 1.5. He believed that this was plenty. However, I recommended to go for at least 2.5 (as the probability of winning was only 38%). Never mind, it was his choice.

      What happened was that he couldn’t sit through a longer losing streak and his emotions became the better of him at some stage during the BL betting season. I wrote about his “Real Life Example of Betting Emotions” in the article The Gambler’s Worst Enemy: Emotions!

      The rule of thumb is:
      The lower the expected hit rate the higher the risk coefficient, and vice versa.

      Good luck with your betting!

  8. Hi SoccerWidow,

    According to portfolio theory of Nobel prize winner Harry Markowitz. Do you think that n=30 is sufficient for a portfolio. As you provided in this article, an example of 17 bets (betting on the underdog when Hamburg plays at home). And when i look at the HDAFU table for Germany, i find out that I also can bet 17 bets on “the away team to win” when Hamburg plays at home. So do you think that whether i can put it into my portfolio (n=31) as i’m afraid duplicating. Eg: Hamburg vs Bayer Muchen ( Hamburg plays at home). What should i do in this case?
    I really appreciate if you can understand what i mean.

    Thanks so much.

    1. Hi Teng,

      To your first question: If you are having 30 bets each weekend like “back the underdog when Hamburg plays at home” then yes, this is a large enough portfolio.

      To your 2nd question:
      The example given is: Back the underdog when Hamburg plays at home

      So, Hamburg vs Bayern Munchen (Hamburg plays at home) – Hamburg is the underdog ==> back Hamburg

      However, please don’t expect every bet to win. The expected hit rate in this example is 33%! And winning (as well as losing) bets are not lining up in a nice row.

      This season so far was exceptional good (62.5% hit rate!), but please don’t expect it to continue like this (so far these selections finished well above the expected hit rate: 6-7 winning underdogs bets were expected for the 2015-16 season in total, and 5 already won and the season is just half over. There may be, or may be not, a long losing streak ahead.):

      22/08/2015 Hamburg vs Stuttgart (3-2) Underdog: Home (odds: 3.0) – won
      19/09/2015 Hamburg vs Ein Frankfurt (0-0) Underdog: Away (odds: 2.86) – lost
      26/09/2015 Hamburg vs Schalke 04 (0-1) Underdog: Home (odds: 2.9) – lost
      17/10/2015 Hamburg vs Leverkusen (0-0) Underdog: Home (odds: 4.9) – lost
      01/11/2015 Hamburg vs Hannover (1-2) Underdog: Away (odds: 4.35) – won
      20/11/2015 Hamburg vs Dortmund (3-1) Underdog: Home (odds: 9) – won
      05/12/2015 Hamburg vs Mainz (1-3) Underdog: Away (odds: 3.3) – won
      19/12/2015 Hamburg vs Augsburg (0-1) Underdog: Away (odds: 3.25) – won

      To get to your n=30 for each betting round you will have to purchase your own HDA tables (5 leagues should be sufficient) and identify the winning picks.

      Happy betting! 🙂

  9. Apperixiate the reply and understand. Not sure why how the last statement of your response applies? I have never been a fan of free tips and plays because it doesn’t help the persons individual strategy and learning how to be profitable on there own.

    1. Hi Amy, I totally agree.. people have to develop their own strategy and learn themselves how to be profitable on their own.

      What I meant was that when writing an article like this one, we sometimes provide examples, but they are always only tiny fractions of a whole portfolio of bets. However, people have to be aware that large portfolios are required for successful betting.

  10. I read your article and have a couple questions? I know this more applies to a system or set Strategy, but how can I apply this to betting teams to win at half time when the odds are lets say 60% or better? Would I just have to stick to a certain amount of games? Thanks


    1. Hi Amy,

      it doesn’t matter if your strategy is “betting teams to win at half time when …”, or any other strategy. The betting bank is determined by your expected hit rate, stake per bet and risk coefficient. I recommend to re-read the article, and then you should be able to establish what your ideal starting bank should be.

      Regarding the amount of bets… the more the better. It’s all about risk diversification.

      We provided in this article an example of 17 bets as we wanted to show something what actually works (betting on the underdog when Hamburg plays at home). Of course, this is an extremely low number of bets for an entire season. Ideally, one should have at least a dozen each week. But please don’t expect us to give away our portfolio of bets and provide free picks.

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