6 March 2025

3 thoughts on “The Secret to Becoming a Successful Bettor

  1. “What makes a successful bettor?-knowledge and skills” is the quote given above.


    There are millions of knowledgable,mathematically-minded people who have,over the last
    50 years,tried to make regular profits from gambling

    and the overwhelming majority have failed!!!

    The most important thing you need(and which most people will never have)………..

    is the ability to go against the crowd.

    You can have all the mathematical knowledge in the world-you can be another Einstein-

    But if you don’t have the ability to take your hard-earned money and bet it against the team that everyone else is betting on then your skills are rendered useless.

    Now,I daresay that soccer widow might reply that that is precisely what she means by maths and skills so I say,

    The amount of mathematical ability you need to profit from gambling is minimal!

    By contrast,the kind of personality that makes you question everything combined with a modicum of intelligence and self-awareness is much underrated
    As for other skills,basic money management skills can be learned in an hour

    Now,let me give you an incredibly simple tip that will make you a profit from betting on football IMMEDIATELY!!!

    Its so simple that you won’t believe it can possibly work-indeed I suspect soccer widow won’t believe it.

    Every week,take note of every televised game where the outsider is 3-1 or more to win the game.

    Watch the game until either the favourite scores or it becomes apparent that the favourite is on top.

    If the outsider is playing well after 20 minutes(without actually scoring,the score still being

    0-0) bet on them!

    Additionally,watch Sky soccer saturday and listen to radio reports and commentaries whenever there are games.

    There will often be times when the reports say that the outsider is doing very well(a good example is Swansea at Arsenal on Saturday)-once again-bet on them!!

    In case you didn’t know,you can bet in running on many big games nowadays and of course most tv games.

    The above tip should make you 6-8% profit a season.

    I won’t go into how much you should bet-thats up to you-as is the issue of whether you
    should hegde if the outsider takes the lead.

    Now you may say that this isn’t “going against the crowd” since you are betting on a team that is doing well.

    Weeelll,it is insofar as very few people do this

    And,I suspect,even fewer-allowing for the far smaller number in existence-mathematicians!

  2. Hi,I have only just discovered this wonderful site.

    I am really,really impressed and I love the fact that its written by an intelligent businesswoman who admits to not seeing the attraction of football!

    And because I love this site I wish to contribute to it ……but in,um,an unusual way.

    I say unusual because I suspect that most of my posts will challenge some of the things that soccerwidow has written.

    My aim in doing so is primarily to help people to make money from gambling…..

    “Are you living with false beliefs?”is the question posed above.

    In my experience,even experts-especially mathematically-minded ones are!!

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