28 March 2025

28 thoughts on “Home – Draw – Away: Systematic Betting

  1. Hello Soccerwidow!

    I would like to ask that if I calulcate the percentage of draws in 5 seasons of data and for example it’s average is 27, with a standard deviation of 3 % , I have to calculate the average odds for theese events to know that if this is profitable or not?

    for example:
    24 to 30 % draws percentage
    bookmakers are offered for theese events an average of 2,85 odds (35%)

    This means that betting always on draws, can bring us profit?


    1. Hi sarkec, this isn’t a question which is a straight forward answer. Sorry!

      If you wish to work out a Back or Lay the Draw strategy you will need to get a few HDAFU table. There you will find inflection point graphs which help to identify the odds clusters which are long-term profitable.

  2. If it’s guaranteed, why not increase the bank to maximise profit ie £2000 bank, £400 stake a game?

  3. Hi Sander,

    Ladbrokes is a middle of the road bookmaker and we were attempting to simulate betting exchange odds hence the 10% mark-up on Ladbrokes’ odds (see picture captions).

    Hope this helps.

  4. But is assuming 10% on top of Ladbrokes odds not way too much? F.e. if home has an odd of 1.70, no other bookie will have odds of 1.87. So this is definitely a game changer.

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