29 March 2025

3 thoughts on “Interim Report after 91 Picks & 26 Betting Rounds ~ HDAFU Tables

  1. Hi,

    would you be so kind to explain how to calculate a deviation from the expected hitrate after x number of matches in a system with 73.2% probability as mentioned in the comments, it should be +/- 10% but I don’t know how you calculated that.

    Thank you

  2. Hi Elena,

    You state “ If you have obvious duds bringing the house down, don’t be afraid to remove them from your betting portfolio”.

    The question of course is when? Given the random nature of distribution of winning bets, when can one reasonably expect systems are not going to recover? Is there some sort of formula you would use?

    1. No, there isn’t a formula just common sense. For example, the Sweden Favourite system had 31 bets expected in total for the first season with 22 winning bets (73.2%) and observed during July were 15 bets with 8 winning bets (53.3%).

      Yes, distributions are random but after 15 bets with a probability of 73.2%, you would have expected to observe a deviation from the expected hitrate of +/- 10%, not -20%!

      The Iceland Favourite system even had a -24.1% deviation and, in addition, the expected average odds were 2.32 but the odds actually achieved only 2.18. Two factors that contributed to the decision to kick out this system from the portfolio.

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