14 March 2025

10 thoughts on “HT/FT – Betting on Equally Matched Teams – Theory

  1. Hi there,

    I would like to know if you can provide half time and full time service football tips with 20-70 odds?

    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Nelson,

      I’m very sorry but we no longer provide tips on the Soccerwidow site.

      Instead, we encourage and teach people to adopt a ‘Do It Yourself’ approach.

      It is always much better to be in total control of your bank knowing how and why you are making betting selections, and what the long-term outlook is.

      Following an anonymous tipping site entails a great deal of blind faith. It’s not something we would recommend.

  2. This is very interesting indeed! I just want to ask you how to you calculate the stakes using the formula , because im not finding the value that its presented

    1. Formula for Weighting:

      ∑ Odds / Odds = Ratio (Weighting)

      Formula for Calculating the Stakes:

      Total Bank for betting on this event / ∑ Ratios (Weighting) x Odds = Stake

  3. Can you show me how did you calculate the stakes distibution using this formula:
    Total Bank for betting on this event / ∑ Ratios (Weighting)
    x Odds = Stake

    1. Hi Marco, I’m going to address your question (and others) within a series of articles about maths. You are not the only one who asks. These questions pop up all the time, other people even asking what a ∑-Symbol means.

      Unfortunately, I cannot promise how quick, but it’s on my current to-do-list. 🙂

  4. Interesting stuff.i wasn’t aware of this,I must say.On another thread I mention a friend who is very successful betting on overs .He also manages to profit from betting on HT-FT markets at the very high 1 2 or 2 1 prices.

    I hate him.

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