5 March 2025

7 thoughts on “The Power of the 7th Generation of HDAFU Tables

  1. Hi Soccerwidow/Rightwinger

    Hope you are both well.

    I’ve purchased before the course book (extremely good book!), some cluster tables, and HDAFU tables; and it was the HDAFU tables that I found best suited my betting appetite and lifestyle. From there I carried out 3 campaigns using the HDAFU tables. The first campaign was purely paper tested and made a very good profit. The next campaign was a disappointment and couldn’t replicate the results of the first campaign. The third campaign started in August 2019 and started off very well, and the second half of the season was completely derailed by covid and the campaign ended break even I believe.

    From there I took a break and in September of 2020 stumbled across Matched betting, which progressed to Arbitrage, and allowed me to build a very healthy betting bankroll. But now 4 years later, that has pretty much dried up and its not worth the time investment.

    Anyway, I felt that after the 3rd campaign of HDAFU tables (even though it had been scuppered by covid) I had a much better understanding of it, and in practice been able to put something together that worked. I had intended to revisit it at some point, and now that matched betting/arbing is dead for me, I think perhaps next season will be a good place to start again – even if just a paper tested exercise for a while

    A few questions if I may, to get myself back up to speed:

    I recall when I last used the tables that some were based on ‘Football Data’ odds that were recorded on Friday evenings for weekend games (Tuesday evening for midweek games) and then some were based on Pinnacle odds from kick off. Is this the same now, or are they all based on Pinnacle odds from kick off?

    Back when the HDAFU tables first came out, you guys recommended picking just one system per league. Is that still the recommendation, or would you advocate taking more than one system per league (provided they don’t clash in terms of the HO/AO quotient)?

    Do you still recommend using the HO/AO quotient as the best way to select systems, as opposed to using the odds ranges?

    Also, I remember the system picked being set up for back systems, and provided all the relevant figures like yield, zero odds etc. Can the sheet do the same for lay strategies, or would these need to be done manually?

    Not necessarily related to the tables themselves, but it ties into the odds toggle. With previous campaigns, I used Marathon bet and Odds exclusively for my bets due to the very competitive odds, and being on par with those in the simulations. Marathonbet now don’t operate in the UK, and I can’t use those anymore. So It’s pretty much exchanges for me like Betfair, Matchbook, Betdaq, Markets that I will be using. I haven’t used Vodds in some time now – do you have any recent experience with VOdds? Are they still a safe operator to use?


    1. Hi Rainer,
      This product is for both bookmakers and exchanges. The System Calculator tab includes a toggle to enter whatever exchange commission you are subject to. The tables will then automatically update. It is also important to note that the HO/AO and Odds graphs show the five-year trends for each of the five different bet types covered (i.e. H-D-A-F-U). Upward trends (graph lines rising from left to right) are indicative of backing strategies with both bookmakers and exchanges. Downward trends (graph lines falling from left to right) show where laying strategies with exchanges should be considered. I hope this answers your question and thank you for your interest in Soccerwidow.

  2. hi SW do you make HDAFU tables with inflection points for each indivual team , for eg how do Man utd do when trading below 1.5 ?

  3. Would purchasing 5 leagues be enough to collate the 500 bets required? Using 2 systems per league based on the HO/AO and by odds?

    1. Hi Jamie, the statement of “500 bets required over one whole season” is just an advice for risk diversification. It is not set in stone. You can also look for at least 15 bets per round (week), or just concentrate on one half of a season and there for a total of 250 bets, and so on.

      Yes, it is probably likely that you will find two (if not even more) systems per league with the ‘required’ number of bets. However, the much greater challenge is going to be to find enough low risk systems with a probability of well over 50% of winning. There I’m not so sure that 5 leagues is a sufficient number.

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