9 March 2025

5 thoughts on “Bet and Win – Avoid Placing Bets at the Start of Season

  1. Hi,

    Would you recommend always holding off betting til the season is six weeks to two months in, even if this means I have to deviate from my betting system that is based on HDAFU simulation tables?

    Best regards

    1. Hi John, you have to look at the betting system you derived from the tables, see how it performed in the past for the first six weeks/ two months of a season. Sometimes, they perform well, sometimes not.

      Bookmakers use historical data when setting odds, and after a longer break, teams may change. A quite prominent example is Man Utd after Alex Ferguson left. A team which was winning most of their games season after season, stopped winning all of a sudden.

      Once the season starts, and a few games have been played, then a correction factor can be applied, and the new stats are taken into account. The ‘normal’ calculations of the bookmakers stabilise, e.g. under-pricing the publicly perceived favourite. But if the past true favourites are still favourites, this may change withing the first few weeks.

  2. The above strategy is completely wrong. That’s because the games of the principle of each season is the only time that a player and bookmaker begin their struggle from the same location. This is because that information is in the hands of the player, but so is the man who puts the odds. And these figures are theoretical, meaning that both have the same chance of being wrong.

    When ‘scrolling’ leagues, numerical and qualitative data available, can apparently show that the job of the players will be easier to identify points, but should not ignore the fact that these elements is available and bookmaker and you must accept that he has stronger tools from you to process all this data.

  3. The graph refers to a portfolio of “lay the draw” bets for 10 individually picked teams from 10 different European.

    I explained the selection criterias in the article: 1×2 Betting System: Analysis of HDA Data and Strategy Development – LAY THE DRAW

    All selected teams possess a clear tendency to produce far less draws than the league averagres, and therefore there draw odds are consistently underpriced and produce a constant lay profit, but not until mid October. The first two months of their new seasons they draw more often than they usually do and therefore without a substantial profit for people using this system.

  4. Does that graph shows more tendency to draws before mid october?

    From what I just read here, it means the start of a season it’s even riskier, personally I’ll wait some weeks to see how is it going, and how the bookmakers refine their odds. Honestly I’ll refrain a bit from my original plan, but I’ll follow your advice, so thanks for sharing this info.

    The unexpected results and not within statistical expectations are basically due to fitness & form not being at their best yet, however I found some big value bets according to the Value Detector; some won some lost, but far away from being a complete disaster; if there were not other elements involved besides statistics and pure mathematics this could be much easier!…obviously I’ll stick to a more conservative approach during these weeks from now on.

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