31 March 2025

6 thoughts on “Football Roulette – Correct Score Betting Strategy

  1. Hi there.

    First of all once again i would like to thank you for all the effort you put through your site. It’s top quality and one of my truly favourites.

    The reason i write this to you is that i need any help in order to reverse the poisson when used for predicting the % of any score to happen in any match.

    We know that we shall use the average goals into the equation to get to the % of A Team Scoring X goals, then we combine those to get % for actual scores and then we add them to get % of the final outcome.

    I am not sure why i thought reversing the poisson but what do i mean. Is there any way for us to use the exact score odds offered by the bookies and go backwards to find the average goals should be used to get to odds offered?

    I would like to know if there would be any huge gaps between the true goal averages that exist and the ones the bookies use. (well it all means we agree in an hypothesis that the bookies use the poisson themselves too)
    I hope i made myself clear enough.

    I would appreciate to hear back from you
    All the best!

    1. Hi Betakos,

      I cannot answer your question for sure as I have never looked at this in detail. However, bookmakers adjust their odds to match public opinion: How Bookmakers’ Odds Match Public Opinion This is a general rule and applies to all markets, also Correct Scores. Therefore, I would not think that there is a valid and reliable way to use the correct score odds offered by the bookies in order to go backwards to find the average goals.

      It is indisputably better and essential to understand odds calculation from the ground up, calculate your own odds, and then compare with the market prices.

  2. Unrealistic odds for 2-0 the whole table is misleading… your stakes would rapidly increase with the true odds.

  3. Been trying the correct score system on paper for a while now, and it seems to work. However, it’s better to use a bot as it takes out all the emotion, also use small stakes of £5 with a betting bank of £500.

  4. This looks quite interesting, and not something that I have considered before. I may try this starting this weekend, even though we are part of the way through the season.

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