Slippery Slope!
At first sight the tables don’t look so bad: Only seven of our 30 selected teams (23.33%) failed to register a 2-0 home victory during the 2011-12 season.
But as we saw in the previous article, a progressive staking plan has to be utilised in order to hit our goal of £100 profit per team.
Here again is that staking table assuming each bet can be placed at odds of 11.0 (10/1):

As you can see, despite the high odds ratio of 11.0, the stakes for teams not having achieved the desired 2-0 home win are increasing exponentially.
This was a very interesting and well written research piece – very useful because many of us mull over such systems without having the time or discipline (money isn’t necessary to do the research) to do it.
I suppose the real drawback is the period of the test since clearly West Ham, for example, will eventually win 2-0 but not in time to compensate for the losses in the season of the test. And who knows how long it could take? So perhaps the answer is to target more the sort of markets where particular teams/leaguesmight be favoured – eg red cards or corners, in order to reduce the time taken to recoup losses.
With that approach, the current prevalence on the Exchanges of bots which apply blanket rules to some markets might help but will require more digging by the investor to find the spots.
Thank you for making the effort!
I have just seen this link after reading the first part.
In my previous post I mentioned that I may try this system. After examine how it stacks up….I will be leaving this alone.
Intersting article though with good analysis.