Slippery Slope!
2011-12 Football Correct Score Roulette System Paper Test Summary
Summary Details
The system only brought profit in 12 of the 40 active weeks of the 2011-12 football season.
Only 15 of the active weeks saw the system in profit, with the peak of just £257.20 reached at the end of week 18.
The total loss for the season was £2,417.39.
There were no weeks when all four divisions recorded a profit.
There were 24 weeks when all leagues playing during that week made a loss.
None of the leagues made any profit at all during the last eight weeks of the season. During this time, the system crashed from a loss of £649.78 to the final figure of £2,417.39 (losses increased by 372% during the last eight weeks).
We have looked at this system under rigid laboratory conditions. In the real world there will of course be fluctuations in the odds available for the 2-0 home win score line.
Although the system performed dismally, we still think the idea has some potential and will look at possible remedies in the next article in this Football Roulette Correct Score Betting Strategy series.
Certainly, we believe the progressive staking strategy may be of greater effect in a slightly modified scenario.
We will also take this paper test to its next natural level and see what effect continuing with just the remaining seven sides has during the course of the 2012-13 season.
The suggestion in our first article about cutting losses at the end of the calendar year will also be explored so that we can finally lay this one to rest.
Go forward to: Football Roulette Correct Score Conclusion.
Go back to: Football Roulette – Correct Score Betting System explained.
This was a very interesting and well written research piece – very useful because many of us mull over such systems without having the time or discipline (money isn’t necessary to do the research) to do it.
I suppose the real drawback is the period of the test since clearly West Ham, for example, will eventually win 2-0 but not in time to compensate for the losses in the season of the test. And who knows how long it could take? So perhaps the answer is to target more the sort of markets where particular teams/leaguesmight be favoured – eg red cards or corners, in order to reduce the time taken to recoup losses.
With that approach, the current prevalence on the Exchanges of bots which apply blanket rules to some markets might help but will require more digging by the investor to find the spots.
Thank you for making the effort!
I have just seen this link after reading the first part.
In my previous post I mentioned that I may try this system. After examine how it stacks up….I will be leaving this alone.
Intersting article though with good analysis.