29 March 2025

3 thoughts on “Blackjack – An Introduction to Card Counting

  1. As you conclude, there isn’t much opportunity for the card counter under today’s casino conditions. Many now use automatic shuffling machines which renders counting effectively worthless.

    As for other casino games, roulette is a possibility for the so called “advantage player”. There is a technique called visual ballistics in which the player can take into account the inititial conditions (the speed of rotation of the wheel, the type of ball, dealer behaviour, etc) and thereby gain an edge over the casino. There is a fair amount of skill involved in this, as you might imagine, but it can be very profitable. I know several people who do well but you have to “scout” for suitable wheels.

    Then there is the possibility of exploiting biased wheels. You might think this is a thing of the past but you would be wrong. I know someone in the USA who makes an extremely good living by identifying biased wheels using visual techniques together with basic data analysis, but again you need to invest the time and effort to find the “right” wheels.

  2. How do you now when to/not to push your luck. Playing 50 hand I won $200. $200 a day is $50,000 a year. In 12 minutes not bad so I took it. I played out the rest of the 50 hands and had a high of 400 and ended at 50 with 250. Any suggestion on how and when to push your luck and which to stop?
    Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Joseph, card games are random distributions that are memoryless. That means that the probabilities of each new game are not influenced by the history of the previous games.

      Therefore you can only set yourself the target to stop playing when you reached your financial goal of the day because unfortunately, you yourself are not memoryless. Your brain gets tired after a while, and therefore you reduce your own probability to perform on a high level and with each new game you reduce your chances to win.

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