29 March 2025

2 thoughts on “How to Calculate Probabilities at the Roulette Table

  1. Why do so many of you people emphasize the need for the factorial function? That does not matter in roulette at all… every time you spin you have the full 37 possible number outcomes it does not get less. If you draw a ball in a lottery for example then you have 49 possible numbers in the first draw. The second draw is already only 48 possible outcomes. In roulette, there is no use case for faculty !. Which number is descending? Right, no number at all. So it seems that really few people are able to calculate at all.

  2. Despite all the talk about probabilities and statistics, it seems that few people can actually calculate mathematically the chance of any given roulette outcome. Sometimes they resort to excel or use specialized programs, trying to test millions of spins in order to come up with the right number. When someone understands basic probability, one can answer almost any question regarding the certainty of any outcome using just a simple calculator or just put the equation as a formula in a simple excel file. First we must understand what is the the factorial function, which has the symbol: ! It means to multiply a series of descending natural numbers. Examples: 4! = 4 2 ? 1 = 24 7! = 7 5 3 1 = 5040 1! = 1 0!=1 (axiomatically)

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