1 April 2025

6 thoughts on “Value Betting – Popular Misconceptions & Common Myths

  1. Your 5th point is insulting to profitable bettors saying that it’s not possible. It is without a doubt certainly possible to win 80% of your bets with odds of 1.5, even more easier if you’re winning 70% of your bets which is more achievable. If you have a tennis player who is available to back at 2.05 and you believe they have a 70% chance of winning the match, and you back this kind of outcome time and time again, you will make a shed load of money just like many people are. Nothing is impossible with the right information.

  2. Hi soccer widow,

    I have purchased all three of your spreadsheets for value calculation and during the last 3 months i am running a series of screening tests which include: identifying value, place the bets and results recording.
    But i have not being able yet to answer one simple question, ‘ How much value is accepted?’ . I mean is it possible to quantify the acceptable levels of the mathematical edge on which we make our bets?
    While everybody is looking for value,what makes me wonder is ‘what is the bookies approach to this?
    My results show that when bookmakers offer high value bets (e.g math edge over 130% ) then these bets most likely do not make profit. That make sense to me since, a bookmaker will not give away high value odds because this will destroy its profitability in the long run.
    Almost 7 out of 10 bets, where value calculation is more than 150%, result in a loss. This occurs frequently in high volume matches like Champions league games or local derbies in EPL.
    Therefore my question to you and the readers is :Can we safely measure the “acceptable” levels of value in our picks?

    True Odds & Value Detector: League Games with H2H History

    1. Hi Socrates,

      You are asking a very good question ‘How much value is accepted?’, and your observation matches other people’s research results.

      Unfortunately, you’ll have to keep playing with the strategy of your choice until you work out what works for you, and what doesn’t. For example, we have been monitoring dutch-backing HT scores for while, and for this it has to be a positive value, but not more than 30%.

      Bookmakers have of course more information about the games than a normal punter, and no doubt, they’ll also have knowledge of anomalies. Therefore, if the value calculations are showing a huge value, then it may be as well a fixed match, or anything else influencing the outcome far more than statistical distribution.

  3. Very interesting Lakoni. I am somewhere between 2nd and 3rd stage searching for best way to find value in football. I am using statistics from past 2 seasons and putting them into poisson calculations but still lacking something.
    Can you please share your approach? If you do not want to do it in public I can give you my e-mail. Thank you anyway!

  4. The punter goes in his betting-career through few stages.

    1. He finds out that % of correct picks is not the most important when judging any punter’s skills. He realizes that the odds are also important.

    2. He considers Yield as the only one factor which decides of skills of punter, forgetting that primary aim is to make cash. In this level, a punter doesn’t take any other factor (as number of picks) into account. Yield is the holy grail and nothing is important at all.

    3. The third stage is discovering that one guy can make bigger profit in a season despite having lower yield. Paradoxically, the punter now re-realises what he had already known when started his betting career. This is that the main aim is to make cash.

    I am now on this third stage and thank you Soccerwidow and your excellent explanations and tutorials. I am now making profits by placing plenty of value bet selections 🙂

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