Part D: Entertainers
8) The Star Men
Stjarnan will not mind us calling them a little team from Iceland that few have heard of. However, we have written about them before and they have featured in some of our match previews. We absolutely love these boys!
For a start, their club badge pulls at the heartstrings of any sports fanatic in the UK aged over 40. It’s the old ‘World of Sport’ “S” framed in a lovely abstract (Dickie Davies) star shape.
Despite being such a small club and formed relatively recently in 1960, during Iceland’s 2012 top-flight season Stjarnan were the third best supported team at home with an aggregate 13,094 fans attending their 11 home matches (a respectable average of 1,190 per game). However, their following is worldwide and the uninitiated among you are just about to find out why.
The question at the end of the video announces, “Will There Be More?”. We can say there are absolutely more. Just search for Stjarnan in You Tube. You will also take them to your hearts.
9) The “Rambo” with Twist
We have no idea which country this one comes from but something feels very sinister, and possibly Bulgarian…although the commentary sounds a little Scandinavian?
10) Special FX
Ever wondered what CR7 would look like with an afterburner and flames coming out of his exhaust? Or Rooney just on fire generally? Well, it’s all here in a tidy little bundle. Worth a look just to laugh at Arsene and his boys…
Part E: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
11) Player Dives to his Death during Goal Celebration
We have lived in Africa. We know their sense of humour and we can tell you categorically that this is a classic example of darkest African slapstick. We shall not say too much but when initially viewing this one, it had us laughing out loud and it still raises a smile even now after repeated viewings.
If that’s not enough, the clever African editor has ensured that you don’t miss the point, highlighting the poor victim and replaying the incident over and over again for your delectation.
There are longer versions of this video on You Tube showing the goalscorer running on and eventually joining up with the rest of his team, but this one is by far the funniest. Fantastic. You had to be there really…
12) Marek Hamšík Fail
The following clip highlights why the career of the promising Napoli and Slovakia midfielder has probably already peaked.
Watch the Juventus player telling the ref “We’ll pay you later…”
13) Referee Shot Dead on Pitch!
Without the music this one is just not funny (to most people anyway). We do not condone football violence of any nature. But with the music it suddenly emerges from the shadows as gallows humour at its finest.
It is quintessentially Tarantino in its effect, encouraging you not to think of this incident as some mindless, unseen yob braining the referee from a distance (an admirable feat in itself), but as a piece of legs giraffed, falling-down in installments, spaghettied art. After the initial viewing it becomes aesthetically pleasing on the eye and oozes myriad emotions. The delayed cranial reaction is pure class.
Did the ref die? We don’t know. Do dead refs end up at football boot hill? No idea. Although the clip is only 15 seconds long we guarantee you will be watching it more than once. A fitting ‘dead’ end to our collection!