22 February 2025

3 thoughts on “How to Become Rich – 10 Powerful Books about Wealth and Money

  1. Dear Soccerwidow,
    thank you for your answer and yes I confirm I already bought your book “Fundamentals of sport betting” and as I wrote in one of my previous posts it is a fantastic work, a very power tool, studing it for me represented a dip in the past at the time of University but with a more concrete objective, this was the reason I asked you for some more advises. Thank you anyway, I’ll continue to follow you in your future works awaiting for a new book hoping you have already been working on it….
    Best regards

  2. Dear Soccerwidow,
    once I read in one of your articles about some similarities between betting and the financial markets – do you have a book explaining the same approach you use in betting football even for the financial markets? I would like to approach the financial markets statistically but I need a kind of guide. If you had one I would be interested in buying it.
    Thank you and best regards.

    1. Hello Giampietro,

      Yes, you are right, there are many similarities between the gambling industry and, for example, the insurance industry. Both rely on a forensic understanding of statistics for their business models, as do other financial markets and mechanisms around the world.

      Unfortunately, we only provide our flagship Odds Calculation book – a complete step-by-step guide to understanding statistics and odds attached to the betting industry. If you haven’t yet bought this, then I would thoroughly recommend it as an introduction to grooming yourself for success by thinking about financial investments in the right manner.

      For books specific to investment industries other than gambling, I can only suggest searching on Amazon…

      Thanks for taking the time and trouble to contact us and I hope this helps in some small way.

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