6 March 2025

8 thoughts on “Soccerwidow’s Value Betting Results: 274 Bets, from 07/12/2011 to 30/06/2012

  1. Hi, thanks for the write-ups, I find your website has many invaluable articles. Your article about inflections had me mulling and playing with spreadsheets for over a month.

    There is something about this article I fail to understand, or rather, I think I understand, but that produces a result that is counterintuitive,

    Let me explain: you emply a fixed risk/win strategy. If I’d have to guess, this is to tackle the problem with variance.

    HOWEVER: Isn’t it set in stone that this staking method is actually detrimental to your final results?
    The fixed win/risk strategy comes into play to tackle the variance problem, and that is about it. Oh yes, it will llimit losses in a losing system. But who wants to play a losing system anyway?

    On the flip side, it does eat into good results. Meaning that if you have a winning system, just flat betting with x% of your bankroll produces better results long term (in terms of return %, as this is the only meaningful comparison possible).

    Which begs the question: why limit yourself using this fixed win/risk strategy, provided you have a winning strategy? What am I missing here?

    1. Fixed win/risk is the only staking plan which makes one strategy comparable to another.

      Therefore, for the sake of understanding and running this website we can only employ this staking plan when writing about strategies and calculating the outcome. Otherwise the reader wouldn’t be able to compare, for example, the betting results from June to the previous month May.

      Anyway, in praxis, of course it is advisable to set a fixed %-age of the bank as the fixed stake/risk. That will increase the stakes when the strategy is winning, and decrease when the strategy is losing.

  2. Thank you for your kind words. It’s always encouraging to hear that readers find the information in this blog useful. You have been added to our email list.

    We look forward to your custom 🙂

  3. Hi SoccerWidow,

    Fantastic website and so informative and well written.

    I’ll be purchasing your spreadsheet with the H2H and Asian Handicap in about a weeks time when I’ve done more research as not done this before but your aproach seems to be the best out there.

    If you are still adding names to your mailing list I’d love to be included.

    Thanks once again.


  4. Dear Soccerwidow,

    Im often played over under on that 4 major league you mention before, and im very interesting for your idea about over under calculation, risk and reward. I hope you could share more a lot information for me.

    Thanks for your favourble help,

    Best Regards,

  5. Hi Soccerwidow and her Bloke.

    If possible i would like also to get on this (german and english match previews) list.

    Thanks for that,
    Roman G.

  6. Ricardo,

    I have added you to our mailing list – you will receive all future match previews.

    Thanks for your interest in Soccerwidow

  7. Hi,

    Congratulations of your system and website.

    How can I follow your match previous results in football, do I any subscribe anything.

    Please can you help me.

    Kind regards,

    Ricardo Aivado

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