31 March 2025

3 thoughts on “What is a Bet? How to Calculate Mathematical Advantage?

  1. Hi Soccerwidow.
    I read most of your articles about odds calculation and its all great stuff and just continue with good work. I will try to recommend you to as much people as I can 🙂
    I have a question about mathematical advantage in this case:
    let s say I found two matches whit higher odds than zero odds, first 2.4(bookie odds) / 2.25(true odds) = 6.6% advantage, second 1.65(bookie odds) / 1.5(true odds) = 10% advantage. So in this case if I play multiples I get a mathematical advantage of 17% (2,4*1,65 / 2,25*1,5) right? And if would continue to play like this I would need to adjust my stake so the winning amount is the same in every case?
    Best regards

    1. Hi Betman,

      Regarding staking, I would always recommend the fixed win/ fixed win plan. Meaning adjusting the stake that you don’t exceed a fixed amount of risk (lay bets), or limit your winnings to a fixed amount.

      However, I would advise against multiples. It is already difficult enough to predict individual matches.

  2. hi there,
    this is really useful stuff youre posting here. Im glad i have came across your site. Im looking forward to see some more advanced articles 😉


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